Thoughts From My Desk: Slowing Down


I’m not sure if it’s because it’s so damn hot outside (#frizzyhairdontcare) or because summer is always a more laid back time, but I’ve been thinking about ‘slowing down’ a lot recently. And I’m certainly not referring to slowing down when it comes to work and my company. I’m more referring to slowing down in the sense of taking more time for me, relaxing a bit more, and not always being on the go.

A few years back I would make plans (whether it be dinner, drinks, or an event) almost every night of the week. And I honestly didn’t think twice about it. It was my ‘norm’ at the time and I was used to it. These days, I’ll have maybe 2 plans during the work week. And sometimes no plans. It’s not because I don’t want to see people. It’s simply because I’m tired after the day, and ‘me time’ is so important, I’ve learned, as you get older.

My idea of unwinding used to be going out, but now the ideal unwinding scenario for me is my couch, my laptop, TV on in the background, and a glass of wine. Ok I seriously sound so old and boring. I promise I’m not! Well, actually I kind of am. But that’s ok.

It’s exhausting to constantly be on the go, and what I noticed is that running from dinner to event to dinner to event, I couldn’t fully enjoy my time because I was always thinking about where I needed to be next or what I needed to do next.

Now, I really, whole heartedly, try to slow down and be in the moment I’m in. Like I keep mentioning, I’m obsessed with yoga these days. When I tried yoga way back, my mind was racing like you couldn’t believe. And now when I do yoga, I make it my goal to be in that moment, in that class and nowhere else, for that hour. Emails can wait. Phone calls can wait. It’s an hour of the day that is mine, and I absolutely love it. I absolutely need it.

If you’re a person who is similar to the Energizer Bunny, and you’re just go go go all the time (that used to be me!), just stop for a second. Take some time to think about where you’re at, what makes you happy, what you want to be doing, and slow it down. Life moves fast enough as it is. In your own little world, slow down what you have control over, and enjoy it a bit more. It makes a difference.


Image borrowed from The Essence of Joy

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