Thoughts From My Desk: Meditation and Being Present


The last year or so I’ve been very interested in the practice of meditation. Because my mind is constantly racing, I’ve never been able to actually sit and ‘meditate.’ I’ve tried. Many times. It’s not as easy as it might sound, you guys. The closest I’ve gotten to actual meditation would be in my mat pilates class on Sundays when my instructor asks everyone to take deep breaths in and deep breaths out at the end of the hour.

The whole idea around this practice is to center yourself, relax yourself, become one with your intentions for the day or week or month or year, and to learn to be present in the moment.

So often I’ve found myself in a moment, yet thinking of the next moment. Rather than enjoying what’s going on in front of me, my mind is already onto the next event or activity. I know we’re all guilty of this. It can be difficult to push thoughts aside. However, I think the more you try, the easier it becomes, and eventually it’s second nature.

I’m attached to my phone. I am. I’ll admit it. Given the company I now run, I have to have my phone readily available and all social media channels logged in. I love what I do, but I’ve found it’s more important now than ever to learn to turn. it. off. And I will say I’ve gotten better at it and noticed a difference in myself.

If I’m eating dinner with my husband, I want to be eating dinner with my husband. If I’m out for drinks with friends, I want to be out for drinks with friends. If I’m working out, I want to be working out. I whole-heartedly try to be in that moment.

While I may not sit with my legs crossed on a yoga mat every morning, I have found other ways to help myself to feel present, including doing laundry/folding clothes in silence (yes, this makes me happy..strange? probably), stretching in the morning, putting on a face mask, doing my nails with calming music on in the background, and simply laying on the couch under my favorite blanket and just zoning out.

Whether it’s the textbook definition of meditation or not (clearly it’s not), these things work for me so I’m going to continue on keeping on.



feature image via style craze 

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