My Thoughts on Trends and Saving vs. Splurging

One of the questions I’ve gotten asked many times is “Are Golden Goose sneakers really worth it?” And my answer every single time is “YES, they absolutely 100000% are.” And I stand by that!

I’m not big on trends. In fact, I might go as far as to say I hate trends. Uh oh, don’t come at me! Let me explain my reasoning.

I like to wear something if I like to wear it and feel good in it – whether it’s considered “in” or not. I’m not big on dressing just like everyone else is. In fact, if I keep seeing the same thing over and over on people, I will purposely not purchase it. Eek!

For example, I vividly remember when those bauble necklaces were in – I think J.Crew first had them, followed by Bauble Bar, or maybe vice versa, I’m honestly not sure. And this is NO shade at them because retailers need to appeal to the greater people and they have to design / buy into those trends. Though, I saw that damn necklace on everyone and their mother (and grandmother). EVERYONE owned one. I did not.

Do I own things that might be considered “trendy?” I’m sure I do. But I won’t buy them just because they’re “in.” This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I won’t wear a headband right now because it’s such a hot trend. I just don’t want to do / wear / buy what everyone else is. I don’t want to be dressed the same as the next person. Again, eeek!

This all brings me to say if you are into trends (and more power to you, if you are! seriously! You do you and what makes you happy and feel good.), do not splurge on them. Trends are short lived. If you’re buying into the trends, save your hard earned money and buy affordable trendy pieces. Because trends are what’s currently hot, you’ll be able to find them at all retailers and at all price points. I’m not saying to buy a cheap quality piece by any means, but there’s no need to spend a crazy amount on something you might only wear one season. Seems silly, right?

I feel it’s important to spend your money on the pieces you’ll have for a lifetime and/or the pieces that you won’t get sick of, that don’t go “out of style,” that you’ll reach for time and time and time again.

For me, personally, that means shoes, bags, and jewelry (and “special” pieces I know I’ll never tire of). Those are the pieces I’ll splurge on.

And that brings me to Golden Goose sneakers. I consider them to be classic sneakers I’ll wear forever. They are the most comfortable, and I think they are super stylish. They aren’t trendy in the sense where they are “hot” for a short period of time. Price per wear is under a dollar with how much I wear them. And I’m not downplaying the price tag. I know they are expensive. But if you’re going to buy a new pair of “fashion sneakers” each season or each year, eventually that’s going to add up to the price of a pair of Golden Goose kicks, and I’ve been wearing the same two pairs of GGDB’s for YEARS. So, I guess it depends on the way you look at it.

I’m not a huge shopper, but when I do shop, I like to be mindful about what I’m purchasing and I like mixing high and low.

So, as we go into the holiday season where shopping is aplenty, be mindful about what you’re purchasing, save where necessary, and splurge when it counts. Just my two cents!

What about you? Do you buy into trends or do you shy away from them? What do you splurge on? Where do you save?

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