Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Hi guys! How are we doing? It’s been a minute!

Truth be told, the holidays and into the new year were kinda rough for me, for a variety of reasons. That’s life, though, right? Ebbs and flows, highs and lows.

Things are great now, both personally and professionally, and it’s just a reminder that life is always going to have ups and downs, and you have to breathe through the downs and ride them out, and then really, really appreciate the ups.

This might sound strange, but I actually am glad I have down moments. I mean, to a degree. I guess when I’m in a “blah” place, I know I’ll get out of it, and I find strength in that knowing. I also lean in to that season of life. If I’m “down” there’s typically a reason (or reasons) for that, and I allow myself to do whatever it is I need to do to feel better and just get through it (maybe that’s being a hermit on the weekends, maybe that’s taking extra time for me, etc etc). I lean in. Then when I get to the other side, I appreciate the other side that much more.

I hope this serves as a little reminder for any of you who might be going through it right now. Deep breaths, lean in, talk to your therapist or friends or family (whoever makes you feel good; this is not the time for people who don’t make you feel good!), take care of yourself, and know you’ll get to the other side, and it’s going to be a heck of a good time when you do. Trust me.

I’m so excited my podcast is back to weekly episodes, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy recording it. Thanks for listening and supporting. Means the world to me.

xx Julie

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