My Honest Thoughts on Botox

A couple months back I got botox for my first time. Really like baby botox, as it was such a small amount, but botox nonetheless.

I had never had anything injected into my face or any plastic surgery. I’m not against any of it; I’m all for doing what you want to do if that’s what makes you feel good.

I had toyed with the idea of botox for a little while because there was this one line (the 11 lines I believe they call it in the botox world) between my brows that bothered me sometimes when doing makeup.

Fast forward to when I was in Maryland visiting my brother, sister in law, and nephews, and my sis in law and I started talking about it. One of her best friends Jamie Berk is an RN and does botox. I knew she came highly recommended and I trusted her, so I said alright lets do it. And so I did.

I figured why not write about my experience because lots of you had questions after I posted my experience on Instagram. Here goes!

Were you nervous?

No. For some reason needles don’t really freak me out. I mean do I enjoy shots? No. But they aren’t as bad for me as I know they are for some. And botox needles are TINY so I really didn’t think much of it. And once I got there, since it was my first time, Jamie gave me a complete run through of the process, answered any questions I had (i.e. What will it feel like afterwards? Can I work out after? Will I bruise? etc.)

What did it feel like?

It felt like the tiniest prick – almost like a mosquito bite for just a few seconds. It was not bad at all. The only thing that I know some people are bothered by is the sound. It didn’t bother me, but it is kind of weird. You essentially hear a slight noise almost like something is crunching… well, because, your muscles are being frozen…eek!

Did you bleed?

For a quick second after each shot but as soon as Jamie patted it away, it was gone, and no blood after.

How much did you get?

The smallest amount – I believe 7 units altogether (3 shots). Literally, BABY botox. A minuscule amount. Jamie is very conservative with it, especially if it’s your first time. She wants to make sure you react ok to it, etc. She knows what she’s doing and I trust her completely.

What did it feel like after?

It felt slightly tight, if that makes sense. I could still move my face and brows, but it felt slightly tight. Again, your muscles are being frozen so you’re not going to be able to move them like you once did – that’s the point. I had the slightest of headaches the day after (which is normal!) and that was it. I loved how it looked.

Will you do it again?

Hell yes. And I will only get it done by Jamie in Maryland. I do not live in Maryland. This is inconvenient, but I don’t care HAHA. I plan to go back at the end of the month to visit the fam, and I plan to get some more when I go. She might do a little more on my forehead, but literally the smallest of amounts.

Would you recommend it?

100%. Of course, ask your doctor first if you have any health conditions, and make sure you go to someone you TRUST and who knows what the f they’re doing. If you live even remotely close to Potomac, MD, I recommend Jamie 100000x over. And even if you don’t – it’s worth the schlep. It wasn’t as pricey as I thought it would be, so you want to make sure you’re not being taken advantage of either. Do your research.

Also, what I didn’t realize is that botox has also been known to help with moods, can help to manage acne, migraines, and it gives you a slight shine that makeup can’t always do, and I love it. No idea if all of that is 100% true, but I’ve heard through the grapevine and I like to believe it haha!

If you’re interested in a Q&A directly with Jamie, let me know, as I’m sure she’d be down to answer any questions!

Have you had botox? What are your thoughts?

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