My Carry On Essentials


If you haven’t heard the news (although I’m sure you have because I haven’t shut up about it), I’m jetting off to Boston tonight, and couldn’t be more pumped about it! I’m going to be chatting to a couple classes at my alma mater, Lasell, and then I have a book signing at the Lasell bookstore (2-3pm on Thursday). Later that evening I’ll be at the BU bookstore for a signing (6-7:30pm). Would love to see you there if you live in the Boston area (and feel free to bring friends/family!).

ANYWAY, when it comes to my carry on bag (I have this one and love it dearly…there is also a smaller version of it, which might work better under the seat!), it’s packed to the brim. I have quite an arsenal of goodies in it, as I’m literally the worst flyer ever. No, like actually, I’m the worst flyer ever. SO, I need lots of things to keep me busy and distracted and not thinking about the fact that I’m 35,000 feet up in the sky flying through the air in a metal tube that just so happens to bump around every so often. #hateturbulence #givemeallthewine

Keep reading for some of the things that will be coming with me on the plane tonight. And be sure to follow along on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat (username: jlb4567), as I’ll be sharing my flying adventures and Boston escapades. Bon Voyage!


As I mentioned on Instagram, I hadn’t jumped on the whole ‘adult coloring book bandwagon’ quite yet, but I decided to buy this one a few weeks back because I can certainly use another calming activity in my life (AND the cover is perfection!). I plan on giving this a go on the plane.


I’ve learned to always carry my book with me. It sounds strange, but I can count multiple times where I’ll meet someone or be talking to someone and my book gets brought up and they want to see it or buy it, and I don’t have a copy on me. SO, now I try to remember to carry one or two copies with me. Maybe I’ll become chummy with the pilot and ask if he or she can get on the loud speaker and tell everyone there’s a ‘famous author’ on the plane who is selling her books (HAHA! Joking, guys). I’m also going to be bringing along my journal as I love love love writing in it and try to once a day.


Obviously my laptop is coming with me for work purposes. And I need to have my little notepad on me for jotting down ideas that pop into mind and random doodles and scribbles. Megan got me ‘What I Know For Sure‘ for my birthday, and I can’t wait to finally start it. Love me some Oprah.


This I call my little bag of tricks. It’s all the rather boring essentials. My hands sometimes get super dry up in the sky (poet and I didn’t know it), so I bring my all time favorite lotion (Jergen’s cherry almond original scent) with me, a roller perfume, my blush and concealer in case I want to touch up my face, deodorant (because no one wants to be the smelly kid on the plane..or ever), my eos lip balm, and some cleansing wipes for my face to freshen/wake myself up.


This would be my second little bag of tricks. Again, rather boring things: Purell (I use this stuff constantly while traveling), gum, nail file, kleenex, extra headphones. I also always bring an oversized wrap, as it can be used if you’re cold or as a makeshift pillow.


And, finally, my headphones (these are new and I love!), as to block out all sounds on the plane. And, hey party people, did you see my nails match all my gadgets? Not on purpose, but fun!

And, that’s that. If you bring anything out of the ordinary on the plane, I’d love to hear what that might be! Leave comments below. 


Lasell OopsFlyer-revised



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