

A bigger house. A nicer car. A new wardrobe. 

What if what you already have is enough? What if it’s more than enough?

It probably is. 

It seems like, now more than ever, we’re always looking for the next big thing. The ‘better’ thing. But what would happen if we enjoyed what we had, without wishing or hoping for something different?

It’s not to say that there isn’t something better or bigger on the other side. Maybe there is. However, for this moment, maybe just enjoying what you DO have, rather than what you don’t have, is simply enough.

Here’s the thing – when you focus on what you don’t have, your mind is constantly being reminded of that. Not only will it bring around negative vibes, but if you consume yourself with what you don’t have, you’re going to continue along that path. Rather, if you focus on what you DO have and truly appreciate and be grateful for what is currently yours, positive vibes will surround you. 

For example (I like examples), let’s say you currently own a car. Let’s say that car is rather old, a hand me down from your older brother. Let’s also say there isn’t anything wrong with this car; the a/c works, the radio works, it gets you from point A to point B, and it’s a seemingly fine car. However, you just moved to a new city and everyone around you is driving much ‘nicer’ cars, so now all you can do is think about wanting a ‘nicer’ car. So, every single day you get into your car, you are frustrated, annoyed that you can’t get a new car, and constantly say ‘I hate this car.’ Well, now, every single time you go to drive that car, you’re going to have bad vibes surrounding you. Instead, if you started to say that while you don’t love this car, and it wouldn’t have been your first choice for a car, you are grateful for the fact that you own a car, that it works totally fine, and one day maybe you’ll get another, but for the time being, you make the best of what you have. You appreciate what you have. 

Look, I know that was somewhat of a silly example, but I’m hoping it helps to get the point across. Stop focusing on what you don’t have and start focusing on what you DO have. Because I bet if you took a look at the bigger picture, you have a lot, a hell of a lot. Try making a list every morning of what you’re grateful for, and look at that list whenever you start thinking about what you wish you had.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to have a list of goals. Of course, that’s not a bad thing. And if one of those goals is to purchase a bigger, nicer house, great. BUT the moment you start feeling ungrateful or unappreciative or wishing you didn’t have what you currently have and that the only way you’ll be happy is if you have what’s on the other side, THAT is where the problem comes in. 

Today, this week, and beyond, I challenge you to shift your mindset if you start to notice yourself thinking about what you don’t have and about what you wish you had. Instead, think about all the great things you do have. Because, guess what, I guarantee even on the days you feel at your worst, there’s still something to be thankful for. And for right in that moment, that something is enough.





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