Search results for: “The Lineup”

The Lineup | 12.12.22

sim·ple (adj): plain, basic, or uncomplicated in form, nature, or design; without much decoration or ornamentation. There’s something about a simple life. I’ve thought…

The Lineup | 12.5.22

Hellllo December. How are we all doing? Hope your weekends were perfection. I did a last minute staycation and it…

The Lineup 11.21.22

I need to understand how it’s already Thanksgiving week. I know it’s trite of me to say, but where is…

The Lineup | 9.9.19

…and MONDAY. Hope the week is off to a good start for you! I’m feeling pretty productive myself because I’ve…

The Lineup // 3.24.17

Hi from Asheville! Have you ever been here? I hadn’t, and I think it’s my new favorite place. I absolutely…