The Best Party Favor Ideas

I think one of the most fun parts about having a party is coming up with the party favors. You can really get creative with favors and tailor them to the theme of the party, or otherwise. It’s a nice treat for your guests to be able to take something away (aside from leftovers, if available) at the end of the night, as a token of your appreciation for them coming and so they can remember the bash for days to come. You may have seen my spring brunch post where I mentioned a few favor ideas. Well, below I’ve rounded up even more that I’m absolutely loving and can’t wait to recreate at some point.

Absolut Vodka Party Favor

Mini Flavor Infused Vodka Bottles

Coffee Beans Favors

Coffee Beans To Go


Mini Floral Arrangements in Painted Tin Cans

Honey Favors

Honey Bottles

Hot Sauce

Mini Hot Sauce Bottles

Macaron Lollipops

Macaron Lollipops

Mini Pizza Cookies

Mini Pizza Boxes/Cookies