Thoughts From My Desk: Living Unapologetically

Living Unapologetically

There’s a lot of buzz out there about happiness: what it means, how to achieve it, so on and so forth. Everyone has their thoughts on the matter, and I’m going to share mine. Obviously.

Ultimately, I believe happiness is an attitude and it comes from within. It’s not just handed to you on a silver platter; it needs to be worked at. And I feel one of the biggest parts of true happiness is living unapologetically.

To me, living unapologetically is quite simply living your life how you want to live it, doing the things that bring you joy, surrounding yourself with the people who lift you up, not the ones who bring you down. EVERYONE is going to have an opinion, and I mean everyone. However, you need to do and be and say what you want to do and be and say. This is YOUR life and once you figure out how to live YOUR life as such, you’ll feel the truest form of happiness. Pure happiness.

Are you a bit nutty? Good, be nutty! Embrace the nutty! Do you love rom com’s, but your significant other can’t stand the fact that you watch such ‘dumb’ movies? Good, you watch those rom com’s and recite every line to each of them. Do you loathe going out and would much rather stay in on a Friday night on your couch? Good, ‘Netflix and chill’ it is! These are silly examples, but you get me (hopefully).

I’m not saying it’s easy nor am I saying I have it all figured out (because I absolutely don’t). And I know this is all easier said than done. I know it can be hard to NOT listen to the opinions and voices of others. But if you take a minute to stop and think – don’t you want to feel the most happiness you can possibly feel? You’re living your life, no one else’s. You do you and don’t apologize for who you are. Ever.

Got it? Good!


Image borrowed from Her Campus

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