Thoughts From My Desk: The Calm After the Storm


Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I’m about to get a tiny bit deep here so bear with me.

Earlier this week there was a massive storm with a down pouring of rain. It was gross. I got completely drenched walking from my car into Chipotle to pick up lunch (side note: a Chipotle salad is currently my favorite thing to eat for lunch). Ever since the rain stopped that evening, the clouds separated, and the storm went on to another place, it has been the most gorgeous, beautiful weather here in Houston. I’m talking not one single cloud in the sky, mornings in the mid to upper 60’s then it gets into the 70’s and low 80’s later in the day. PERFECTION, people…perfection.

What I’m getting to here is that typically the saying goes ‘the calm before the storm’ whether literally or figuratively, not ‘the calm after the storm.’ However, what I’ve come to realize is that there is always an idyllic ‘calm’ after almost every single storm. And I’m not just referring to the weather here.

In life, we will all find ourselves, at one point or another, going through a hard time (a ‘storm’). Some worse than others. These rough patches suck. They totally utterly suck so bad (for lack of a better description). I’ve been there. It was 5 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. I went through a shitty time in my life – like a hurricane, tornado, and earthquake colliding – but as soon as that time was over, there was a calm that came over me.

You’re going to have rough times in your life. If you haven’t yet, well, you need a medal, a cookie, and a large pat on the back. What you need to remind yourself during these storms is that it will pass. Maybe not in a day and maybe not even in a month, but in time, it will pass, and it’ll be calm and peaceful once again. During the storms, tell yourself to keep your head up and keep chugging along. While it’s easier said than done, it helps to have this perspective while going through the rough moments.

Ok, I’m done being all serious and deep here…lets all just hug it out at Chipotle.


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  1. Monica wrote:

    Isn’t it crazy how it works both ways, weather storm and emotional storm? I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason and some times bad things have to happen for the amazing end result!

    P.s. Chipotle date soon


    Posted 10.17.14 Reply