What You Think Becomes Your Reality

What You Think Becomes Your Reality

Thoughts consume our minds all day everyday, and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it can become an issue if the thoughts taking up your headspace are negative ones. Because what you think becomes your reality, in one way or another.

Look, I’m not saying if you think you’re going to win one million dollars that you’re most definitely going to win one million dollars, but if you constantly think you’re going to fail in business, let’s say, then most definitely, you’re going to fail in business. If you are always thinking that life sucks, woe is me, and that you were dealt an ‘unfair hand,’ well, I hate to break it to ya, but your life is totally going to suck. 

I posted a quote on my Instagram the other day that I believe in whole-heartedly.

‘Stop worrying. Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.’ 

Because if you’re going to let your mind be consumed with worry and anxiety and stress and negative thoughts, then you’re basically wishing for all of those things to become a reality. So, why not fill your mind with good thoughts, positive and happy vibes? It might take you a little extra effort if you’re used to being ‘Negative Nancy’ up in your head, but that little extra effort will make the biggest difference in the world. 

You might think that the reason you are having those negative feelings in your head is because of your circumstances, but actually, you’re creating many of those circumstances and outcomes due to those thoughts and feelings in your head. Yes, really.

It’s very much the Law of Attraction, ‘like attracts like.’ Yes, very much like the famous book The Secret.

For example, if you’ve been single for a while now and have become cynical and bitter and thinking that all men or women suck and there’s no one out there for you. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’re most definitely NOT going to attract a partner. Even if you think you’re being happy and positive on your dates and when you meet people out and about, these people aren’t dumb, they can see through that, and negative energy can be felt. And no one wants to date a downer.

I know life can be challenging. And less than ideal times will rear their ugly heads every so often. However, you have more power than you think you do. While you can’t control an outcome necessarily or how someone else is acting, you can 100% control how you respond and react to the situation. And, similarly, you can 100% control your thoughts. How cool is that? You are totally and completely in control of your thoughts. Take advantage of it. 

Next time you are inclined to think ‘I hate my job so much’ why don’t you change that notion to ‘I’ll make the best of this job, and I know I’ll find another one soon that I’ll love.’ Yes, really, think that. Say it out loud if you need to. What you think becomes your reality, so rather than think about what you don’t want, try to think about only what you DO want in your life? 


Photography: Caleb Frith

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