How to Get Rid of Negativity Forever


How to Get Rid of Negativity Forever

During our lifetime, we are bound to be surrounded by negativity at one point or another, and sometimes more often than not. Whether it’s a friend of yours who can’t ever see the glass as half full or maybe it’s just a way of thinking you simply can’t push away, and you’re accustomed to always going to the negative before thinking about anything else. Whatever the case may be, negativity is out there, and it can rear its ugly head into our lives more than we’d like it to. However, what if I told you that you can get rid of negativity forever? What if I told you all it takes is a shift in your mindset and a little work on your part? Because, guess what? You have complete control over the negativity that enters and surrounds your life. Yes, really.

When Someone Else is Negative

Let’s say you have a friend, family member, or co worker who radiates negativity. Every time you get together or they call you, it’s like a shit storm just took place, but only over them. It could be the most beautiful day outside, but in their world, it’s a category 5 hurricane. Look, these people exist. And I hate to break it to ya, but they might not want to change. They might be comfortable in their negative bubble, and that’s ok. If that’s how they choose to live, that’s their prerogative.

That doesn’t mean you need to feed off their negative vibes, though. When you’re out with Negative Nancy, you simply need to think a bit harder and steer the conversation in a different direction. If she starts complaining about x, y, and z, you can turn each of her complaints into a positive.

Negative Nancy: I can’t stand my (fill in the blank…co workers, brother in law, etc)  – they are so terrible to work with/be with.

You: Sorry you feel that way – maybe they’re going through something at home and taking it out at the office/on other people. Tell me about (fill in the blank with something good going on in their life….their upcoming baby, their sweet boyfriend, whatever it is…)

This might not seem like a big deal, but if you do this time and time again, they’ll get the hint (or at least they should start to). They can continue to be as negative as they want, but they’ll understand eventually that you want no part in it. It’s not that you don’t care what’s going on with them, and if it’s a good friend, they should be able to vent to you, of course. However, venting is one thing and constantly being negative is another. There’s a difference, and I’m sure you notice it. 

The less you allow for negativity to even enter your personal space, the less it’ll exist. Stop it before it gets too close.

Your Thoughts

Now, let’s say you’re constantly thinking negatively, and you just feel like a dark cloud is hanging over yourself. Well, for one, I feel like I should put a disclaimer in here that if it’s been going on a long time or you think it’s not just a little negativity, then you might want to seek professional help (therapy is the best, guys!). However, if it’s simply negative vibes you’re accustomed to, there are a few things you could start doing to shift your mindset. 

For starters, write it down. When your mind turns to the negative or you’re feeling that dark cloud around you, write down where you are, what you’re doing, what you’re thinking, who you recently spoke to, and do this for a period of time. Then you can look at it and maybe pinpoint what is causing that negative feeling. 

Secondly, when you notice a negative thought coming into your head or just an all around negative feeling, take a minute, take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and tell yourself you no longer want to think about that thing/thought/idea, and simply push it away. Don’t be hard on yourself. Allow yourself to accept the fact that it entered your mind, and push it away. When I’m meditating, thoughts will always be entering my head, and at first, I’d be so mad and frustrated, but when I started accepting the thoughts, giving them the ok to be there, and then just pushing them away until my meditation was over, it made a big difference. 

Don’t be mad at yourself for having negative feelings; simply steer your thoughts in a different direction, in a compassionate way. Eventually it’ll be second nature, and either the thoughts won’t enter to begin with, or if they still do, within seconds, they’ll be gone. 

Outsmart Ourselves

The same goes as you’re going along with your day. Our brains are accustomed to going to the negative and then harping on it, but we can outsmart our brains in this regard. It’s ok, perfectly ok, that something negative pops in your head (we’re human, it’s normal), and it’s just a matter of accepting the thought, and pushing it aside in a gentle way. Think of placing a newborn baby down in its crib, for example. That’s how gentle you need to be with yourself and your mind. Just gently push those thoughts away and allow for positivity to take over. 

It’s not that we shouldn’t think anything bad ever. That’s just not normal. Bad things happen; it’s life. However, we can certainly get rid of the negative thoughts that are in your control. You can’t change another person, but you can change how you respond to them, how often you’re with them, how often you talk to them, and the most important, you can change yourself. All it takes is a little work on your end, a shift in your thinking, and the belief that it’s possible. 

And, on that note, have a happy day, guys. 



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