A Day In My Life


Let me preface this post by saying I know I’m not anyone ‘special’ and typically ‘day in the life’ posts are meant for celebs or those who have beyond interesting things going on. HOWEVER, personally, I’m nosy and I love reading these types of posts and watching these types of videos, so I imagine some of you out there might feel the same way. If that’s you, keep on reading for what a typical weekday in my life looks like. 

7:00am: Alarm goes off and I hit snooze approximately 3-4 times (unless I have a breakfast or early meeting, in which case I get my ass out of bed), followed by checking the usuals on my phone (emails, social media, etc), then I’ll meditate and write in my gratitude journal 3 things I’m grateful for that day (I try to do this everyday, but it’s sometimes just 4-5 times/week!)

8:00am: I get out of bed, do my whole morning skincare song and dance, and then I go downstairs to make myself breakfast. Lately, it’s been ezekiel toast and almond butter, followed by my morning vitamins (multi and D!) and my drugs (anxiety meds for the win!)

8:30am: I get on my laptop to start my work, make sure my blog is set to go live (although, not today’s because I didn’t get it done last night, oops!), post on social media, answer any urgent emails, get my schedule organized for the day.

9:15am: I go back upstairs, brush my teeth, do a little makeup, and get dressed. I’ll typically listen to music or watch a YouTube video while doing all of this.

9:45am: I head to the office (I always call my mom on the way!)

10am – 12pm: Work work work work work 

12pm: LUNCH TIME! Lately, it’s been Snap Kitchen (loving their Grilled Kale Hoppin’ John!!). 

12:30-2pm: Work work work work work 

2pm: I’ll leave the office and take a break to go to the gym and/or volunteer (these days it’s a lot of writing my book during this time at various coffee shops, as well)

4pm: I’ll go back home and work from my home office for a few hours (or continue working on the book from wherever I am)

6:30pm: I’ll either go meet a friend for happy hour (although, if you follow me on Snapchat, you’ll know I’ve put a kibosh on HH’s until my book is done) or start figuring out dinner, which is usually picking up food or ordering in (unless I’m feeling crazy and actually cook!)

8pm: I’ll do work from the couch while watching TV (current favorites: The Affair, Homeland, The Bachelor, 2 Broke Girls, Quantico, This is Us, Designated Survivor…) and such

10pm: Oftentimes it’s earlier than this, but at this point, I’ll go upstairs, shower, get ready for bed, and get in bed and read while watching TV, and eventually I’ll doze off…

And then I do it all over again the next day! Of course, this varies often, but that’s, more or less, a typical weekday in my life. Since I work remote most of the time, I do work at various times throughout the day and obviously the times above can vary greatly, so I realize it’s a bit of an ‘abnormal’ looking schedule, but it works for me! So, there you have it, folks. Happy Tuesday!


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  1. Regine Karpel wrote:
    Posted 1.29.17 Reply